Wednesday, January 21, 2009


My mother is 102 years old this week. She grew up in a very humble background in west Texas. She never had very much as far as worldly goods are concerned. Her own mother died when she was 12 years of age, and she helped to raise 4 younger siblings. She then married, survived the depression, picked cotten along the roads of Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas, and finally settled in Weatherford, Texas where she raised our family.

She has gone from poverty to her final years in a very nice nursing center. She really doesn't understand politics and that we've elected a new president. Her mind can't put complete sentences together very well. She doesn't really understand where she lives or why she lives there. She does recognize her family, and that is good. She has lived a full and wonderful life. I visit her every day. I try to help as much as possible.

I love her dearly, and I thank her for the wonderful Christian heritage that she passed along to me . . to my children . . and now to my grandchildren.

Happy birthday Mother.

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