Saturday, November 21, 2009


I attended a funeral many years ago. My elderly uncle mentioned that it was the fourth funeral of the week for him. I thought that statement somewhat funny until I arrived at the age of 70. Funerals are now something of a social event in small town Texas.
I preached the funeral message for a 74 year old woman this past week who had been through 8 long years of physical pain and suffering. She had remained very faithful throughout her ordeal, and her funeral service was a testimony to God's goodness. That's what it really is all about. The question is . . how are we going to die?
We're now in the great health care debate. I admit up front that I want the best possible health care than I can receive. I also admit that the idea of living a few extra years right now is a good one. I just don't know how many extra years I want or need.
That brings up my mother, Birdie Idell Low Cotter. Bryan posted her picture last week on Facebook, and he received so many wonderful comments from friends and family. This is what she looks like . . if you missed the other picture. It's only 2 more months until she will be 103. I not sure she'll make that goal, but she has surely fooled us over the past few months. I visit her each day, and she always surprises me with her ability to recognize and communicate even though she can speak with a discernable voice.
I don't think Birdie is really interested in health care. She is interested in funerals and in heaven. Maybe that's where I should put more of my emphasis in life. It surely makes sense to me . . and to God.

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