Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I remember many years ago when we had a "Miss Texas" visit our church to give her testimony. I had a problem with it about 40 years ago, and I still a question about what that "testimony" meant to our church and our community.

I've personally known some young ladies who have been involved in pageants, and I've known literally thousands who were not born with the looks needed to make it in the business. I don't question the fact that the participants work hard at the job, but I realize that they must have some great "God given" looks to become winners. The girls have to be a certain size with a certain look and have the desire to let everyone see it all.

I have, for many years, questioned Christian parents who press their daughters into participation in these events. I understand that "talent" is often discussed, but the major portion of the contest is based on the looks of the young lady. She must show doctor inserted cleavage, dress prevocatively, and be willing to act seductively.

The Bible admonition is that we are "in the world" but not "of the world." Everyone of us face this same delimma. We are to be salt and light; we are to stand apart from this world. We are to be "different" so the world can see that difference. We must make the decision to not act like the rest of this world.

I felt so sorry when I heard the story of Miss California in the recent Miss USA Contest. She has spent her entire life getting ready for this event; she has worshipped the whole beauty contestant idea.

Then she tried to be the Christian in an atmosphere that was anything but Christian. The gay judge who asked her the question and who then denigrated her for her answer is of this world. He didn't want a Christian answer. He didn't think of Miss California as a representative of Christ. When she gave a Christian answer, he acted just like a unbeliever is trained to answer. His only recourse was to attack.

Miss California has responded with a strong Christian testimony; she has not be vendictive. She has actually come across as the "victor" in this battle of cultures. We've seen more of her picture than of the actual winner. She is now the national spokesperson for the traditional family.

All of this aside . . the question is this. "Do the activities that are required of a participant in the contest do anything that glorifies Christ and brings glory to the Lord of the universe?" Or are the activities those of the carnal world? I think the later is true. Christian young ladies . . be careful. Miss California may be spokesperson for traditional Christian values, but she has gained that podium by sacrificing many of those values.

1 comment:

Terry Holsinger said...

Sam - well spoken and direct on point! That she has gained a platform cannot be discounted but as you point out - at what price? I wonder what her impact would have been had she won rather than "lost" the competition? Would FOX News had been so active to publish her situation under those conditions? You have stated something that needs said in public - thanks!