Saturday, December 26, 2009


The birth of Jesus was surrounded by a host of individuals, each of them given an assignment in the proclamation of the coming Savior. Many of them followed God's plan for that wonderful birth, and they are an example to us of the wonder of the God that became man and dwelt among us.

I would have enjoyed being there to see the angels and the shepherds and the wise men? I would have seen Mary and Joseph and Elizabeth all receive the messsage from the angels, and see as each of them responded with great joy. Simeon and Anna and even the King Herod were aware through scripture of the coming Messiah. Even though I was not present for those occasions, I am able to read that wonderful story today in the gospels of Luke and Matthew.

And I am available to be involved as the wonderful story of Jesus continues today.

Spend some time and worship Him today!

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