Thursday, December 31, 2009


My heart hurts/yearns for revival in our churches. Listen to what Francis Chan says in his book "Forgotten God" while speaking of the Holy Spirit's work in our churches.

"Even our church growth can hapen without Him. Let's be honest: If you combine a charismatic speaker, a talented worship band, and some hip, creative events, people will attend your church. Yet this does not mean that the Holy Spirit of God is actively working and moving in the lives of the people who are coming. It simply means that you have created a space that is appealing enough to draw people in for an hour or two on Sunday.

It certainly does not mean that people walk out of the doors moved to worship and in awe of God. People are more likely to describe the quality of the music or the appeal of the sermon than the One who is the reason people gather for "church" in the first place."

It may be that most of God's people have never really felt the awe or true worship. Many don't realize what has been lost. Many have attended church and done the rituals of the worship hour, but have never fallen before a living God.

A.W. Tozer tells this story. "It is the first Palm Sunday, and here comes Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. The crowds begin to shout "Hosanna! Hosanna!" The old donkey prickes up his eaars. Some in the crowd throw their coats in the road; others spread out palm branches.

'Well!' says the donkey, switching a fly off a mange patch. 'I had no idea they really appreciated me like this! Listen to those hosannas, will you. I must really be something.'

Friends, if anyone comes around after the service saying, 'Wow! That was terrific' They's not actually saying hosanna to you.

All you did was bring Jesus to them."

Pastors . . quit strutting around and showing off.
Church leaders . . quit spending time on politics . . instead of Jesus.
Congregation . . quit applauding a bunch of donkeys.
Begin to give our praise to God.

It's time to fall on our faces . . and worship the God of the universe!

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