Thursday, March 26, 2009


Remember this. Today's society is built on money. People's lives are judged by how much money we can acquire. The winner is the one who has the most of it at the end. The winner is the one who has plenty of money to live this life.

SO . . whenever AIG misuses what we consider to be our money, it is very alarming to us. Millions of dollars is a lot of money. It is hard to describe how many emails I have received concerning efforts we need to make to solve this problem. It goes all the way from firing someone, to killing someone, to using our church pulpits to denigrate those involved.

AND . . I receive emails each day warning us of the dangers involved in religions of the world, in our presidential leadership, in our legislature, and in numerous other problems of this world.

(There is a new industry made up of people who feel it is their duty to pass on every radical email that is available.)

BUT . . I never receive excited email that tells of leading people to Christ, of asking people to attend church, of sharing the gospel, or of many other tasks that Jesus has given us to do. We, as Christians, are actually more excited about the Sweet 16 than we are about kingdom work.

WE ARE TOO BUSY . . complaining, moaning, accusing, and "being just like the rest of the world." Christ said we were to be different; our confidence was to be in Him, not in the cares and agonies of this world.

If you want to get excited about something, I encourage you to get excited about your personal relationship with Jesus.

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