Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Kelli does a lot of writing for Lifeway Christian Resources, and she works from her home. Before Kelsi headed out to kindergarten last year, she had her own desk and work space set up right next to her mother's space. She really enjoyed working alongside as her mother wrote Sunday School and Vacation Bible School materials. She would do her "homework" and sing a special song as she sat at her desk.

She was certainly ready to head to kindergarten since her older sister and brother would be in the same school. She was ready to learn and to be with other children, but she did give up some "personal" time with her mother when school began.

She is the youngest and probably the last of our grandchildren, and she thoroughly enjoys her position as the baby of the group. Her little tender heart always wants to please adults. She always has a smile and a song. She's a joy. She's pretty special to me.

So we were surprised when Kindergarten began that a note was sent home to her parents, and they had to deal with a difficult problem. Here is her difficult problem! Her teacher suggested that she should stop singing while doing her work at school. It just wasn't proper for her to be singing when everyone else was doing their work.

Her mother had obviously not considered the problem that had been created as they worked side by side.

I like people who sing. Kelsi still does it. She'll be playing by herself and will quietly be singing a special song. She's a lot of fun to observe. She's learned not to sing at school, but she still sings around my house. I like her singing heart. And, of course, it doesn't hurt when she crawls up into my lap and gives me lots of Kelsi hugs and kisses.

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