Thursday, November 13, 2008


When Samantha's mother Shari was a small child in Baytown, she had a very "free spirit" attitude. "I can do it myself" was her theme, and we tried to give her freedom to become the Shari she is today. She is a wonderful teacher, leader, mother, and wife. Her "I can do it" attitude has gotten her into some interesting spots.

I remember the time in Baytown when a young neighbor boy knocked on the door and asked if we would come and help Shari. We found her on the roof of the house. She had climbed up the fence onto the roof to retrieve something only to discover the difficulty of getting back down.

Samantha is the re-creation of her mother. "I can do it myself." There is no challenge she won't accept. It's always the great adventure. She has had her fair share of bruises, bumps, and "I can do it" moments. She has a rope ladder to her club house that only a "monkey" can climb, but she makes it with great speed. I guess her Dad built it to keep GDads and others out of her private space. And . . it's working.

I don't know what place she won in the science fair, but that's not her prize. It's the challenge. I like that.

She may just turn out to be a "rocket scientist" someday.

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