Thursday, November 6, 2008


RL and I were at one time concerned that we would never be grandparents. It seemed that it took a long time for our first to come along. But Sam Cotter was born in 1994 , and then we had one new grandchild a year for the next 7 years. It just took our gang a little time to get started.

Most grandparents are a little crazy over their first one, and I was especially crazy since he was named for me. Sam and I have had a lifelong battle over saying over and over again, "No, I am Sam Cotter". He likes it, and so do I.

He's now 14 and a Freshman at Kingwood High School. Time does fly, doesn't it? The first 14 years of his life have come so fast. But now I think he's not as interested in his GDad as he once was. He has other interests.

He had his first real "date" recently with a friend from his church youth group. We coulnd't believe it. That's not our little boy. A suit and tie really cleans up a young man.

Congratulations to Sam for reaching a new point in his life. RL and I will continue to pray for him that he will listen to God's leadership for his life. God has a great plan for him; I'm just excited to see what the next 14 years will bring.

Don't they look great?

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