Friday, September 5, 2008


My brother was born in 1932 in the hills of northern Arkansas, and I had a another brother still born and buried in Arkansas in 1934. It took another 5 years for my parents to decide to have another child, and I'm glad they did. I was born in 1939. So there was seven years of difference in the age of the two boys in our family.

My brother and I were not very close as boys because of that age difference. We really didn't fight and argue much, but I did pick up a 5 pointed ice pick and threw it at hime when I was about 7 years of age. It hit him right in the middle of the back and left 5 little holes. We never did tell our parents about that episode, and we decided not to fight again the future.

He was in the US Army in Korea when I was coming of age, and I still have a letter he mailed to me encouraging me to be nice as I dated girls. It was a good word to me from my older brother, and it meant much to me during my dating years.

After living great distances from each other for many years, we not live just two blocks from each other. We're enjoying our retirement years together, and we enjoy being with and supporting each other. We do a lot of wood working projects as a team. He and his wife are Godly people who are faithful members of one of the local churches.

Gene . . . . I love you.
Thanks for being a great brother to me.


Bryan said...

Oh my! That ice pick is scary!

Unknown said...
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Samuel Cotter said...

Lol I didn't know that ice pick story. I'm glad you shared it. And you kept the evidence!