Sunday, October 19, 2008


There's lots of discussion in our country about English and why everyone should use it. I'm one of those guys who is uni-lateral when it comes to language. I know only one language, and that one is English. I really wish I could speak Spanish or another language, but I was never committed enough to get that accomplished.

I've seen a lot of Christians who seem to be really upset that a Spanish speaking person "refuses" to speak English. I'm not sure that they are refusing; they may just be uni-lateral like I am. Learning a new language is not easy; it requires much time and work. I do believe that English is the language of America, and I do wish that everyone could and would seek to use it in the business world. BUT that is somewhat secondary to me.

Most of all, I'm concerned about Christians who refuse to speak the correct language. As you listen to them and as you observe their lives, they sound just like the rest of the world. Their language is filled with slurs and put-downs and denigration of others. Sometimes their words become foul and filthy. They often use their words to gossip and slander and debase others. They are more interested in criticism than they are in lifting up.

Our words are to be filled with love . . whether they are spoken in English or Spanish or any of the other hundreds of languages of this world. Christ died for all mankind; he didn't ask them what language they spoke. He simple asked them to . . "follow me".

I want to be an encourager to the Chrisitian famly . . to challenge us to change our language from hurt to healing. Decide today to say a good word about someone . . even to those to whom you have disagreements. That might be the best thing that ever came from our mouths during this political season.

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